Miss Axe reads about HR thought leaders
The entire HR department (Ms Cynthia Axe from Early Bird
Retirement; Hugh White from Diversity and yours truly) went to the hospital to
visit CEO Stan, who is recuperating from an
illness that there is no need to discuss.
When we entered Stan’s room, Comrade Carl Marks, our acting
CEO, was chatting with Stan’s wife Wifey, who was positioned at an angle that
allowed her to control the goings on in the room. Carl did not used his feigned Russian accent.
Wifey had prepared chairs and we all sat around Stan’s bed,
avoiding asking him how he feels. My dad always told me "there are some
questions you don't ask, mon choux."
Wifey stopped all conversations and asked, “Who is reading
what”? Then she answered her own question. “I am reading Anna Caltabiano’s book on Eternity, The
Seventh Miss Hatfield. I read everything that young Ms Caltabiano
writes, as should you all. Gloria, please buy this book for
all the staff.”
I took out my Blackberry (Passport) and jotted down an
action item. An HR manager without action items is like a fish without water, as it were.
Comrade Carl Marks told us that he reading “my 3004th book
about the Battle for Stalingrad, and the heroism of the Red Army”.
Hugh White from
Diversity informed us all that he was reading about “Coughing
at Work”, from a Diversity perspective.
Hugh asked Wifey if Caltabiano's book is "diversity-friendly". (Hugh White is a source of
deep embarrassment).
Cynthia Axe informed all of us that she was reading a great biography of an HR
thought leader. I was so proud of her.
I told the crowd that being an HR thought leader demands my whole attention, and I only read text messages, 22 hours a day.
Wifey looked at me without compassion, and said, “Gloria, we
have such a good relationship. Read Caltabiano’ s book about Eternity. You too,
Comrade Carl, enough of this world war two nonsense of yours”.
Stan had closed his eyes, and dozed off. But he looked
As we left the room, Wifey turned to Ms Axe- "the heroine of the Caltabiano book is named Cynthia, Miss Axe."
Little does Ms Axe know that the next book Wifey has asked us all to read is The Land of the Green Plums, which no one understands, although (because) the author got le prix Nobel de littérature, which is French or Danish, I believe.
Stan looked uncomfortable.