Friday, 31 January 2014

Travel policy for pregnant men and women

                                                                    Let them eat cake
                                                               qu'ils mangent de la brioche 

A pregnant internet of things nerd named Svetlana (with good English despite her name) approached me today and asked about a travel policy issue. She needs to go to San Francisco for a week; she is based in Toronto, which is in Canada. Svetlana asked to travel by plane.

Our present travel policy provides reimbursement for Greyhound bus trips within the US and Canada as well as economy class tickets on all major discounted "ethnic" carriers like Air Turkmenistan, Air Italia, SAS and El Al for international travel.

I sent the pregnant Svetlana to our venerable down-sizing diva Ms Cynthia Axe, who was not in her office and was not answering her Iphone 4.

I redirected  young Svetlana to Mr. Hugh White, the white, bizarre, heterosexual boy who runs Diversity. When Hugh noticed that the employee was white and in no way irregular besides being pregnant, he referred Svetlana back to me.

I texted Stan: "Stan, do I have any flexibility on travel policy with pregnant employees on Toronto-San Francisco trip? 
Gloria Lemieux, Chief People Officer".

After I received Stan's answer, I texted the answer to the aforesaid Svetlana.....who will be going round trip in a comfortable Greyhound bus.
  • We support pregnancies, especially for women (and men) who do not work for us, (but not only)!
  • We encourage pregnant employees to live a fulfilling life, and in no way feel "discriminated" against.
  • HR supports pregnant women' (and men) struggle for be equal partners in our "passion to win"-driven company."
  • Greyhound has a 1800 number to pre-book seats. Supply Chain will provide this number upon proof of pregnancy.
Follow me on Twitter @GRamsbottom

1 comment:

  1. Interesting to say the least. But companies are always tiptoeing around discrimination issues, so no way around it but changing the travel policy, in some organizations. You are right though: ever heard of flexibility? ah! or of the "exception qui confirme la règle"? I enjoyed the post, Gloria!


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