Tuesday, 1 October 2013

An updated list of characters in this blog -Version 4

Gloria Ramsbottom-Lemieux; EVP HR of Immature Products; born in Moose Jaw; her father was Pierre Elliot Ramsbottom; the name Lemieux was taken on by her to be more "global". Gloria is single. Gloria has a Blackberry Q 10.

Cynthia Axe (Aqs)  , often referred to as "a certain Cynthia Axe"; Head of the Early Bird Retirement Plan, American, White, and unilingual.
Axe fires 34 people a week as Immature Products "aligns itself" with success, weekly. Axe has relieved more than 4000 people of employment in her stellar career.
Axe had a short affair with Stan, the CEO.
Axe has had several life time partners, the last of which was K Ray Beauregard-Goldstein. See below.
In her spare time, she reads text messages and comic books. 

Cynthia seduced former chairman Tim Buck, and got him fired for sending her leud pictures. 
She is second in command in HR but very unpopular.She has had many reputation coaches.
Cynthia now spells her last name Aqs, to improve her reputation.

Carl Marks, Carl is the present Head of R&D and Chief Cultural Czar of Immature Products. He speaks some Russian and understands some Chinese. He is related to one of the former main investors and former Chairman,  disgraced Tim Buck. 
(Probably, even the Canadians who read this blog may not remember who Tim Buck was.)
Carl was born in Spokane; no one knows where he studied Engineering. He spent time in Saudia Arabia, building a data base which documented opression of Saudi women. Obviously, Carl is not a Hebrew. 
Carl has been weakened since his Uncle Tim Buck was seduced to send leud pictures by Cynthia Aqs. Carl lost his HR Busines Partner and former "partner", Jenny Papadopolis-Otelini.

RIP Jennifer Papadopolis-Otelini:  Carl's former HR business partner. She was born in Pretoria South Africa and was brought up in Georgia, USA. She is white, and multi-lingual but it is never quite sure what languages she speaks besides English. 
Like Gloria, she texts constantly. 
She also disses Gloria, constantly. 

Ms Papadopolis resigned and has emmigrated to Waterloo, which is in Canada.

Stan;  Wifey's husband and CEO of Immature Products. Stan's family name is unknown. Stan is white, loves lasagna and is scared shit of his wifey, Wifey.

K Ray Beauregard-Goldstein; Stan's cost-effective chef. He has mixed ethnicity. His Jewish mom was born in Quebec City and his French father was born in NYC! Ha! K Ray was, as of late, a life partner of a certain Cynthia Axe until they split because K Ray feared getting axed one day. Stan loves K Ray's cost effective lasagna.

Wifey; Stan's powerful, brainy, magazine reading wife. The managerial articles she reads inspires Stan to give marching orders to Gloria. Wifey and Jennifer have yet to clash.

Huge White: head of diversity, and a nephew of Wifey. He is about to submit a 5 step plan to combat covert racism, but it never happens.

RIP Sybil Civil; Wifey's sister who pushed Gloria out of a job but when it came time to fire people;  she turned out to be a socialist and she refused to fire people. Thus, Sybil's career ended at Mt Nebo. At one time, she was in charge of a drama free environment

RIP Winston Wu;  Senior VP of IT and Big Data. Wu was formerly HR-IT Lead and served as Gloria's representative to Diversity Team. Born in Canada, Wu's grandfather was born (perhaps) in Hong Kong on the Kowloon side in Sha Tin or Kowloon Tong. Wu speaks English only.

Winston has a stormy relationship with Gloria; he was a peer of Gloria's and  then "reported into her". 

 Winston made more money than Gloria and Wu.
Winston realized that Stan has a sexual fetish with Big Data and played that card well.

Winston resigned when he failed to synchonize Blackberries with Google Calendar.

Sarah Minnow-Barracuda: Head of Purchasing who works for Gloria. She negotiates prices with vendors before vendors know what projects actually entail.

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