Tuesday, 6 August 2013

A quality audit for HR

The QA manager (Irene Papadopolis-McGraw)  demanded  an HR quality audit , upon instigation by a certain Winston Wu, my IT direct report and former peer. Wu is my delegate on the diversity team; he was born in Toronto, as was his father. His grandfather may have been born in Hong Kong-Kowloon side.

Stan the spineless coward capitulated and sent off an sms/text both to me and Irene: "Irene: audit Glo's organization within 2 days, Stan"

I convened a meeting-by-text, supported by whatsup, and we agreed on the following parameters:

1) Online and dynamic alignment of number of heads/expected revenue: owned by Cynthia Axe
2) No Russian or Chinese spoken in the dining room: owned by Cynthia Axe and Stephanie her temporary "attendant"
3) HR seen as business partner: owned by Stan
4) Cynthia's Axe voted most valued employee: owned by Cynthia Axe
5) Big Data availability : owned by Winston Wu


  1. What I learned about quality audit for HR in the past is somehow different from the approaches outlined in the posting. I thought this is:

    1. Audit key HR processes to identify non-productive processes,
    2. Following pt 1, audit times spent on non-productive tasks (by role or by process), which do NOT add value to HR or to the company business,
    3. Following 3, cut these non-productive tasks with recognition to employees who suggest ideas (productive ideas, of course).

    That is all for now.
    Hong Kong, China

  2. Dear Caroline,
    I just LOVE shopping in 銅鑼灣


How to dissolve your DEI team without throwing away the baby with the bathwater, if you get my drift

                                         Bathwater  In line with being aligned with major and minor trends in the HR profession, I have deci...

Glo at her best