Sunday, 7 July 2013

That idiot Stan and Cynthia Axe ruined my July 4th weekend

July 4th is a very global holiday, and therefore, I left Ottawa in order to reach lac des écorces, Quebec for their well known July 4th celebrations. 
July 4th is very popular in Quebec. Quebec is sort of in Canada... like Hong Kong is part of China or like Scotland is part of the UK....or like India is part of Pakistan. 

Before I left for the long weekend, I delegated almost all my responsibility to a certain Ms Cynthia Axe, who heads our Early Bird Retirement Plan. 
Ms  Axe was named Acting People Officer, and Stan signed off on the appointment.

On Thursday July 4th, when Cynthia Axe entered the dining room, someone (from Engineering) had hung up a sign "Tahrir Square Dining Hall". For Heaven Sake! No one knows how to pronounce this word and now our dining hall is called Tahrir Square Dining Hall!!!

Is this global? Is this sustainable? Is this the role of HR? Is Ms Axe such a stupid idiot that she needs to text me as I enter my holiday cabin, and don't ask me with whom?! Stan was fuming; there were protests in the dining hall, and Ms Axe was being kept captive. Morsi on her.

Stan texted me, I returned and fired 4 people randomly and personally I took down the sign.

Stan texted me "Good work, Glo".


  1. This is absurd. Why fire people when you can drill sense into their heads. Were you trying to give a signal to the world that you are a tough negotiator and that everyone needs to follow rank.

  2. Dear Ziaur,
    I was letting people know I was a sustainable and global business partner.
    And...I speak French


How to dissolve your DEI team without throwing away the baby with the bathwater, if you get my drift

                                         Bathwater  In line with being aligned with major and minor trends in the HR profession, I have deci...

Glo at her best