Sunday, 21 July 2013

Before my TV interview, I need some input

My coach (who flips burgers and does some faith healing for semi-agnostics) is helping me brand myself as an HR thought leader. I will be interviewed next week on the "Le Morning Show-Bonjour Ottawa". The tv program is all about "Early Bird Retirement" ; this is all part of my coach's plan to brand me big time.

Here are my talking point, and I would appreciate discrete input.

1) The very fact that Ms Cynthia Axe is an anti stress coach makes the resizing process more humane and wowish.

2)  After moving out of our company, one can read all articles on this wow wow wow website. I used wow three times, and this is rare.

3)  Family life is very rewarding for the first 2 or 3 hours.

4) Ax-posure to Stan's leadership and ax-posure to our HR business partnership makes your cv very attractive.

5) If you have an accent when you speak English, our dining room has upgraded your English and "you hardly speak your mother non global tongue".


  1. Leave as soon as you can find a decent job

  2. This makes no sense.
    I have a Blackberry Q 10 and fly business class!


Recruiting strategies for the elderly

Hiring young nerds is fraught with problems. For those of my readers who don't speak English well, fraught describes a situation that ...

Glo at her best