Wednesday, 10 July 2013

A note from the author of this blog

From a modest start of 15 visitors a day less than 6 months ago, 800 people a day now visit the blog daily. Readership is based in Canada and the US, Israel and Egypt, Russia and China, Australia, Germany, Indonesia, Thailand, India, the UK and Brazil. Which says a lot about the widespread prevalence of the issue that this blog deals with. Each week the blog gets about 50 new daily readers.

I get many private emails which ask the same questions, so I will answer them publically:

a-My inspiration comes from situations I encounter in my work as a consultant; I also get many ideas from reading HR blogs.

b-Gloria is not based on one person, but is an aggragate of many folks-texters, geographically challenged, keep it short freaks , and mass executioners, as well as buyers etc who have found themselves in an HR role.

c-I work with many top notch HR people who themselves give me ideas for this blog. Some of the wildest ideas have come from HR people. This blog has in no way negatively impacted my excellent working relationship with senior HR people. Quite the opposite.

Finally, a word of thanks. Thank you for reading the blog, thank you for posting it on twitter and fb, thank you for encouraging me. And keep spreading the word.



How to dissolve your DEI team without throwing away the baby with the bathwater, if you get my drift

                                         Bathwater  In line with being aligned with major and minor trends in the HR profession, I have deci...

Glo at her best