Saturday, 27 July 2013

A list of characters in this blog

Gloria Ramsbottom-Lemieux; EVP HR of Immature Products; born in Moose Jaw; her father was Pierre Elliot Ramsbottom; the name Lemieux was taken on to be more global. Gloria is single. Gloria has a Blackberry Q 10.

Cynthia Axe, often referred to as "a certain Cynthia Axe"; Head of the Early Bird Retirement Plan, American, White, Unilingual, sent to Bay Ruth (Lebanon) to reach Damascus to open a new office.
Axe had a short affair with Stan, the CEO. She has had several life time partners, the last of which was K Ray Beauregard-Goldstein. See below.

Stan; CEO of Immature Products. Stan's family name is unknown.

K Ray Beauregard-Goldstein; Stan's cost-effective chef. He has mixed ethnicity.He was as of late a life partner of a certain Cynthia Axe until they split because he feared getting axed one day. Stan loves his lasagna.

Wifey; Stan's powerful, brainy, magazine reading wife. The managerial articles she reads inspires Stan to give marching orders to Gloria.

Sybil Civil; Wifey's sister who pushed Gloria out of a job but when it came time to fire people, she turned out to be a socialist. Sybil's career ended at Mt Nebo. At one time, she was in charge of a drama free environment.

Winston Wu;  former HR-IT Lead and Gloria's representative to Diversity Team. Born in Canada, his grandfather was born (perhaps) in Hong Kong on the Kowloon side in Sha Tin. Winston was a peer of Gloria's and  then "reported into her". Now he is an Executive Vice President (IT) while Gloria is a Senior VP HR, one level below Wu. Winston makes more money than Gloria as well. Winston heads the Big Data campaign, and has usurped HRIS as of late.

1 comment:

How to dissolve your DEI team without throwing away the baby with the bathwater, if you get my drift

                                         Bathwater  In line with being aligned with major and minor trends in the HR profession, I have deci...

Glo at her best