1 Make HR great again.
2 Make our dithering workforce as diligent as a German and as happy as a Dane.
3 Increased use of data analytics to enhance my point of view.
4 To avoid thriving in the gig economy.
5 Lessen my agile use of sustainable slogans, yet remain relevant as HR business partner.
2 Make our dithering workforce as diligent as a German and as happy as a Dane.
3 Increased use of data analytics to enhance my point of view.
4 To avoid thriving in the gig economy.
5 Lessen my agile use of sustainable slogans, yet remain relevant as HR business partner.
I am a dignified lady of my word. Check me out in a years' time. I will periodically (daily) update on my agile progress. Happy and Sustainable New Year.