Monday, 26 December 2016

Focus talent management efforts on the client

Focus talent management on clients

Dear readers all over the world, from happy Denmark to far off and remote NZ, 
Our chief nerd Comrade Carl Marks ignored his doctors orders by taking his Cipralex and Seroquel anti depressants with brandy.
As a result of this combo, the Comrade's idea may have become more agile, but they are less sustainable.
I  received this email (below) from Comrade Carl whilst I am still on vacation up in Canada chez Mum.
Judge for yourself how drinking interacts with anti-depressants.

Dear Gloria, 
S novym godom! S novym schastyem! That means happy new years in Russian.
I hope your mother is not driving you out of your mind during vacation. I love you Gloria but you live on the brink of insanity.
If you ask me, talent management efforts invested on our nerds are a waste of  resources, kibinimat. Our nerds are fucking brilliant and our products are a pearl.
Our clients, however, lack sophistication as well as being unappreciative.  I hate our clients like most of our nerds hate HR.
I am against all HR budgets, but since you get a fat talent management budget anyway, may I suggest that this  budget be invested externally to improve our clients' savvy and love of risk taking. I know you like the savvy word because it is so French.
I have sent an email to CEO Stan telling him that you are already approved this idea. Spasiba (merci)  for your cooperation, Canadian Girl.
Love and kisses,
Comrade Carl 

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