Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Migrating Mindfulness to Cloud Computing

Uncluttering my mind

No, I am not unaware of mindfulness. Mais non! As a matter of fact, there are very few things of which I am unaware.
Not only do I have a mindfulness coach (who works pro bono), but I also practice meditation before ordering the downsizing of a few nerds. I think I’m mindful about 40% of time, before tax. 

I admit that there are times when mindfulness is a challenge, especially when I am focused on answering my text messages on WhatsApp, Skype, BBM, WeChat and Viber. 

Whilst texting, I find my mind is cluttered with HR business partnership issues. And when I am having an altercation with Comrade Carl Marks from R&D, or that bitch from hell Sister Juliette Caesar from Sales, my state of mindfulness is non-wow. 
I always meditate before we fire employees over 55.

Mindfulness has honed and sharpened my HR business partnership, because I appear in total control yet equally calm and peaceful. 

I do hope that someone will eventually migrate HR mindfulness to cloud based technology! That will be wow-wow, and it sure would save me time, so I could spend more time texting.

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