Monday, 9 September 2013

Five unequal relationships of Confucianism and management

Wifey reads too many management articles

(Readers: this is an old post. FYI, Jennifer Otelini was HR business partner of Comrade Carl Marks, and did NOT report to Gloria. Gloria managed to "dispose" of Otelini within 2 months, in line with her core values)
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Wifey (our CEO Stan's wife whose name is Rose-Sharon) read a  magazine article about the 5 unequal relationships in Confucianism and their applications to the "art of management".
Wifey sent CEO Stan the link to the article and bcc'd me. At times, Wifey does not act in line with our core value of transparency.

In a separate email, Wifey (Rose Sharon) sent the same link to the article to a certain Comrade Carl Marks our chief nerd, cc'ng his HR Business Partner Ms Jennifer Papadopolis-Otelini. 
I tend to be very discrete, but in breaking with tradition, I am exposing these emails to explain the downfall of Ms Jennifer, who was his HR business partner, reporting to me dotted line.

To Stan, CEO and husband
Bcc Gloria
From Wifey (Rose-Sharon)

Read this article immediately. You are giving Comrade Carl Marks too much power. Consult with Gloria on how to chop him down size. Please update me when you get home, you louse.


To Comrade Carl Marks, Chief nerd

CC Jennifer Papadopolis-Otelini, HR R&D
From: Wifey
My dear Comrade Carl,

Here is a link, you may enjoy. May I have your thoughts?

To: Jennifer Popadopolis-Otelini (HR R&D)
From: Comrade Carl Marks, Chief Nerd
CC: Wifey
Take care of this email from Rose Sharon for me "when you have time'
Comrade Carl Marks-long live the Soviet Motherland

To: Wifey

From: Jennifer (HR business partner-R&D)
Hey there Wifey,I will revert to you within 3 weeks.

Too much power


  1. can count to five and dive, then you know you are alive. Otherwise..what the heck..

  2. Dear Dr Coats,
    How lovely of you to drop in during these dismals days.
    Any job openings in Miami?


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