Tuesday, 24 September 2013

How to negotiate backing

HTC, svp!

To      Gloria (HR)
From Comrade Carl Marks (R&D)
CC: Stan (CEO); Ed (Chairman)


Please replace my I phone 5 with an HTC today.
I suggest that the entire organization "migrates" to  HTC.
BTW, I see no reason why HR controls telephony.
And as I have said before, I do not understand the value proposition of HR.
Comrade Carl


To  Comrade Carl 
From: Gloria
CC: Stan(CEO)

No, dearest Comrade Carl.  We need to manage by axe-ample.


To  CEO Stan; Chairman ED
From Comrade Carl Marks
CC Gloria
BCC: Hugh White; Cynthia Axe

It appears that Gloria needs her rabies shot. Please OK my request.
Comrade Carl


To Comrade Carl
From Stan (CEO
CC Gloria (HR)
BCC Chairman Ed

Comrade Carl,

Your request for an HTC is approved. (Gloria, Comrade Carl is a senior manager)Glo, please get me an HTC also. 
I've had it with my I phone 5. Let's see this happen by noon.
PS Get an HTC for Wifey as well.


  1. Do Carl and Stan ever talk face to face? If not, does the medical insurance plan cover thumb damage, or lasik surgery?

    1. Dear Mr Paul,
      Is there a need for to face? Canadians are so conservative!
      Our medical insurance is cost effective and sustainable.
      Gloria Ramsbottom Lemieux


How to dissolve your DEI team without throwing away the baby with the bathwater, if you get my drift

                                         Bathwater  In line with being aligned with major and minor trends in the HR profession, I have deci...

Glo at her best