Monday, 5 August 2013

Reaching Out to Gloria

The wow wow wow wow (4 wows)  reaching out campaign continues into its second week.

Here is a sustainable and value-added text I received this morning from someone who reached out to me, and my answer, when I reached out in return, by text, in a timely fashion. All this was done is in line with our core values whatever all that means, for heaven sake.

Dear Gloria,

You are a stellar ax-ample of professional ax-cellence:

  1. While others think, you do.  
  2. While others dither, you plough forward.
  3. While others vascillate, you move quickly and nimbly.
  4. When I feel the rope around my White neck, you get me off the hook, via our Early Bird Retirement Plan, aligning our headcount to axe-pected non revenue.
  5. When "someone" reads articles, you implement.
You are the ultimate business partner.


Cher Stan,

Merci. (That's French!)
I will drop by this afternoon to discuss a demotion for an underperforming  and devious Winston Wu. 
I also plan to rename our Dining Room "Chez-Stan: Speak English Only Food Court" and need your approval to ensure this is aligned with our global globalism program.

Gloria Lemieux
Ps. Chez is French. 

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