Saturday, 9 July 2022

HR is like surgery without a knife

How can we know the dancer from the dance?  How can we know the top class HR lady from the perky brainless administrator? Why do many Americans eat triple cheeseburgers, especially in red states? 

Of course, no one can be an expert in everything. My Dad told me that. Although he did add, "Gloria, don't be like your mother. Choose one specialty-don't be a fu-king expert in everything". 

Truth be told, I have a lot of common sense, but my "expertisa" is in HR, which is like surgery without a knife. Today I am going to share three tips about how to refocus HR strategy in the post corona era, assuming that there was a corona era and that indeed, we are post, or past, it. It being the era.

1) Provide a higher purpose, not a higher salary. Money is so passe, as it were. Purpose can knit people together, even if they have nothing in common.

2) Recruit people in distress. When you hire people who are demanding, spoiled and skilled, all you get are demands to use politically correct gender pronouns, as well as petitions to go on paid vacation to the Maldives. People in distress are far more accomodating. Give them a hot meal once a week, and a clean bed at night, and you are perceived as their business partner. You may want to throw in some English lessons, a la carte.

3) Be patient. People have weird habits. Some (ER)  sleep all afternoon, some (MD) do not really want to work. Some argue all the time, even with themselves. Some pray at work, 6-7 times a day. But take what there is and be patient.It's a virtue and core value.

I have 785 core values, all in all. My latest value has to do with blockchains, which is beyond the scope of this post.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Gloria, you're so wise.And there are so many distressed people out there that you should have no difficulty filling the employment ranks with miserable but otherwise able people.


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Glo at her best