Tuesday, 9 March 2021

Our new management credo



It’s obvious that people need principles and credos (a Latin word) by which to manage. In our firm, our staff comes from far-off places, often without airports, runways, triple cheeseburgers or a firm grasp of English.

True, there are books published in Danish (such as “Organisationer I En Overgangstif-Handbog for Ledere) which making managing people easier, but two issues arise: 1) who speaks Danish and 2) are Scandinavian ways scalable in the real world, where most people are not Scandinavian?

In light of the above, and in line with my core value of leading the pack and garnering brownie points, I formulated a new credo, to be introduced immediately.

1)      In the beginning, the organization was null and void. People spoke all sorts of languages and ate with their feet and hands. There were no processes. Then Stan said, “Let there be HR”. Then there was light.

2)      We all own everything, and blame is assigned on a need-for-victim basis. This is not a good thing or a bad thing, just a global and sustainable thing.

3)      Albeit holistic assumptions, delivery dates and product readiness are not aligned. Delivery dates are linked to revenue flow whilst product readiness is linked to the Chinese stock market, or Blue Bonnets Horse Track in Montreal.  

4)      There is no HR lady other than Gloria, and Cynthia Axe is her messenger.

5)      If asked to represent an idea or opinion with which you may agree or may not agree, think about being deported to your homeland, or life without a salary, as lonely as a gig worker during a Corona plague.

6)      Team work is important, but so is eating beans. Never disobey your boss, cloaking your action in team work. This is the real world, not some classroom in Spain.

7)      Often, one needs to swear. Hungarian and Greek provide the best platforms for the aforementioned activity. So does Russian.

8)      There is no HR lady other than Gloria, and Hugh White is her towel boy.

9)      Webinars are ok, as long as they are free and are in alignment with our credo. This having been said, our credo is binding, yet the context of obedience is liberal pluralism tainted with an inside-outside dynamic.

10)   If per chance your colleague is dithering, ill, incompetent or sexting, pick up the fucking ball and run. You own everything.

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