Sunday, 1 June 2014

8 cornerstones of My Personal Branding Strategy , based on IoE

Branding Gloria Ramsbottom

To brand myself as thought leader, I use several strategies, in line with my core value of agility. As a sign of my desire to gain fame, I will share my branding strategy.

1) This blog is a major component of my branding strategy.

2) I use Internet of Everything, and Anything. This allows me to position my input relevantly, daily, ie, on a weekly basis.

3) Hiring and retaining both Cynthia Axe and Hugh White as my lackeys has allowed me to stay ahead of the pack. Please note that I do have a succession plan for these eager beavers.

4) The relationship I maintain with  chief IoE nerd Comrade Carl Marks is one of business partnership, utter disdain and back stabbing; Comrade Carl hates and fears me, which enhances my brand especially since Comrade Carl is under performing.

5) My uncanny ability to think and text simultaneously creates the impression of on-line business partnership. Texting also lessens the need for me to use my shrill and bossy voice, as my Dad used to refer to it.

6) I am a White girl from Canada, yet I speak French,  and some Catalan, so I am somewhat diverse, but not too much. I am always perky. These are cornerstones of my branding.

7) I refrain from using slogans, except for sustainable, engagement, big data and business partnership.

8) Once I finish my degree in law and IT in a ivy league on line school, my brand will be perfected.

Branding myself as an HR thought leader has been a wow-wow (2 wows) experience; I am well known in New Zealand, Scotland, Bangalore (which is in India), Austria, South Africa, Brunei, Singapore, Shanghai (which is in the Orient), USA and the Faroe Islands. In Denmark, only Hamlet and Søren Kierkegaard are  better known than me.

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