Monday, 6 January 2014

Unbearable tension in Senior Management Team-Appreciative Inquiry to be Used

Our senior management team is non wow.

My coach (who also sells herbal medicine) told me to number my thoughts when I get overwhelmed. I am overwhelmed!

1) Our senior management team is having "sustainability" issues.

2) R&D Chief Comrade Carl Marks impregnated our CEO Stan's daughter, Miss Carla. 
Yet Comrade Carl is close to our Chairman, Edward Montpetit-Maplewood, a fact which is considered Big Data.
Carla now lives with Carl.

3) After Stan and Wifey heard of this event, several new pictures were hung in our office. (These pictures were ordered bypassing our Supply Chain!)

4) Today in our senior management meeting, Stan said to Carl, "The only place you produce anything is in bed with innocent young girls". 
Comrade Carl bellowed: "You should lead by example, you fat slob-why do you have a private chef?" 
Carl was referring to K Ray Beauregard-Goldstein, Stan personal chef who prepares cost-effective lasagna. K Ray has mixed ethnicity.

5) I always look to my late Dad for advice. At our dinner table, when Mom (Constance) talked too much, my Dad (Pierre Elliot) would say "shut the f--k up, Constance, for Christ's sake." However, this seems "inappropriate" in a senior global management team meeting.

6) After the meeting, I took Carl and Stan aside. I agreed with Stan and Carl that sometime this week,  we will all watch a webinar on Appreciative Inquiry. My father would have disapproved of my actions. (I can hear him saying-"cut the cr-p Glo and get real")

Follow me on Twitter @GRamsbottom


  1. To use appreciative inquiry, there has to be something around to appreciate...

    1. Mr Paul,
      People are very appreciative of HR BUSINESS partnership. I have also informed our staff that we plan to channel our salaries via the World Bank when they can accommodate us; and that also will be highly appreciated, due to the prestigious nature of that global organization.
      Gloria R "People" Lemieux

  2. Been there, done that and got the t-shirt. Sold it, got another one.
    It's hard to partner with psychopaths, and you are doing the best you can in a bad situation; the best thing to do is to change the game. Not sure how you could do that, although bringing in an outside OD consultant with a background in mediation and dispute resolution might help. Actually, it probably wouldn't, but I'd be willing to try just for expenses. Since I'm a fairly intimidating presence when I need to be, maybe that would help. Probably not, but you could feel you'd done something.

    Ultimately, and you know this, situation will not end well. I am thinking of Made in Canada when Rick Mercer's character had the affair with Sioban, the boss's daughter and ended up in the hold of a freighter headed for someplace filled with Chinese refugees...

  3. Michael,
    I sure hope you speak French and can understand English with a Russian and Tamil accent. Do you work pro bono? We can cover axe penses when our product may be released.


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Glo at her best